Clipping Box Macro

After watching this video:

I’ve made a Clipping Box macro for Rhino. It creates 6 clipping planes in a box configuration, oriented as the active CPlane and cornered in its origin, and groups them together. You can later treat it as a box (move, scale rotate with Gumball) and activate-deactivate the clipping planes as shown in the video.

Create a new Alias (Tools > Options > Aliases) in Rhino (I used CB) and paste the content of the txt file in the corresponding Command macro field.

ClippingBoxMacro.txt (566 Bytes)

@ale2x72 In Rhino 8, there is the new depth property of clipping planes, so you will need 3 clipping planes (instead of 6) to create the box.

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Cool! Does Depth scale if the Clipping plane is scaled in its perpendicular direction? Sorry about the question, I do not have Rhino 8 handy at the moment to test it out myself…

One of the nice things about the clipping box using 2 opposite-facing planes is the possibility to scale it non-uniformly in their perpendicular direction to quickly customize the included region of space…

No it doesn’t scale, so yes if you like to do that, then use 6 clipping planes.
BTW, if you are running V7, you can download and use the Rhino WIP (Rhino 8).

Thank you! Oh, yes, I have Rhino 8 WIP installed, I meant I wasn’t able to access it just right at the moment of writing my previous reply.

Hi Alessio.

I like it. It’s similar to one I wrote:

'_Cplane PAUSE setredrawoff clippingplane p -.5,-.5,10 .5,-.5,10 -.5,.5,10 sellast group ENTER setgroupname cb clippingplane p .5,-.5,-10 -.5,-.5,-10 .5,.5,-10 sellast group enter setgroupname cb clippingplane p -10,-.5,-.5 -10,-.5,.5 -10,.5,-.5 sellast group enter setgroupname cb clippingplane p 10,-.5,.5 10,-.5,-.5 10,.5,.5 sellast group enter setgroupname cb clippingplane p .5,-10,.5 -.5,-10,.5 .5,-10,-.5 sellast group enter setgroupname cb clippingplane p -.5,10,.5 .5,10,.5 -.5,10,-.5 sellast group enter setgroupname cb selnone setredrawon

Seems the key difference is with yours you pick the origin first and mine you pick the origin after the command alias is typed. Anxious to try the new V8 method.