hello, is it possible to change gumball settings, particularly relocating it, I find using clicking it with ctrl similar to rhino 7 is way easier, because double clicking it will proceed to editing block behind the gumball . Thanks
You need to be more accurate with your double clicking. Gumball grips or planes usually change their color to black when the mouse is on top of it.
Actually, its a plugin component, i have tried using macro, and its not working, thanks for the suggestion.
What is a plugin component?
You may want to record your screen post the video…
Something like this
Can you replicate this problem if the block is not from VisualARQ?
Hmmm, it seems that there is no problem if it is a regular block.
In that case I think we should change the topic title so you can report it to the VisualARQ developers.
I see the same behaviour with a Rhino block and with a VisualARQ object:
Clicking on the Control key you can edit the Gumball position
Double clicking edits the Rhino block or the VisualARQ object
Exactly, thats what I am trying to achieve, however the feature of ctrl+clicking the gumball is not possible in rhino 8, which share the same input of editing the VisualARQ object. And strangely the double clicking the gumball always lead to editing VisualARQ object behind it.
Ok, I see the problem. I am reporting it to find a solution.
@SAMS we have fixed the issue of gumball double-click behavior on VA objects in the new Beta 5 version. Check it out: New VisualARQ 3 Beta 5 released! - #6 by enric
Thank you for the follow up