I have this model that have a square with some lines, this square have default size of 200x200, and
have some propeties/user text etc that I dont want loose.
This model is save on original file and I want use this model by defaut to create another models
with diferente sizes, but whitout open the rhino.
There is any way to do this C# or python?
Open .3dm
change by 200x200 to 400x300
create copy
I think can be a solution, what is the Scale comand?
And another question, there is some way to do this by php?
The ideia is simple, I need create a app independ of rhino to create a part list based on
length width table, and save this .3dm part listo to later open on Rhino.
With RhinoCommon, you’d apply a scale transformation to your objects.
There is no Rhino support for PHP. However, you can use the Rhino3dmIo NuGet package to read and write 3dm files using .NET without having Rhino installed. You can also use our new Rhino3dm toolkits that support CPython and JavaScript.