Can we capture a viewport with a chosen display mode without selecting it in the viewport, like in zbuffer?
Can we capture a viewport with a chosen display mode without selecting it in the viewport, like in zbuffer?
@rajaa - can you help with this?
Hi @seg You can pick different view, but you cannot pick different display mode from within the view capture dialog in the command. Is that what you are asking about?
Thanks @rajaa
Yes, but it looks is not available
I use this way:
// Change to lineart display mode 1
view.ActiveViewport.DisplayMode = Rhino.Display.DisplayModeDescription.GetDisplayMode(lineartdisplay);
// Capture lineart image
lineart = view_capture.CaptureToBitmap(view);
// Change to lineart display mode 2
view.ActiveViewport.DisplayMode = Rhino.Display.DisplayModeDescription.GetDisplayMode(segdisplay);
// Capture segmented image
segimage = view_capture.CaptureToBitmap(view);
But like in ZBufferCapture.SetDisplayMode will be better
ZBufferCapture depth = new ZBufferCapture(view.ActiveViewport);
zbuffer = depth.GrayscaleDib();
resultpictureBox.Image = zbuffer;
@jeff can you help?
Hi @rajaa
This code works perfect
private void RunScript(List<string> displays, bool capture, ref object A)
var doc = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc;
var view = doc.Views.ActiveView;
var currentdisplay = view.ActiveViewport.DisplayMode;
foreach(var d in displays)
Capture(view, d, currentdisplay);
A = images;
// <Custom additional code>
List<Bitmap> images = new List<Bitmap>();
void Capture(RhinoView view, string display, DisplayModeDescription current)
Rhino.Display.DisplayModeDescription targetDisplay = Rhino.Display.DisplayModeDescription.FindByName(display);
if (view == null) return;
if (targetDisplay == null) return;
view.ActiveViewport.DisplayMode = targetDisplay;
Bitmap bitmap = view.CaptureToBitmap(targetDisplay);
if(bitmap != null)
view.ActiveViewport.DisplayMode = current;
So is there still a question here? Looks like you’ve got everything working.
Thanks @jeff
If there is a better solution of course i will choose it.
Hi! I have a question regarding the bitmap preview component. Could you please tell me which one you are using?
This is from my plugin Wizzard , but it is not available now in food4rhino until i fix some other components
I see, looks nice (minimalistic and informative). Will try it once available