Can't boolean for the life of me


I have this ring. had lots of problems with it. almost coming to the end. just want to boolean union everything. I can’t get it to work. ‘showedges’ isn’t showing anything. I don’t know what i’ve done wrong or am doing wrong. the meshes on the sides are bought and imported so maybe that’s the problem. the ring itself also isn’t the prettiest construction. the lion is extruded from a .dxw file. I cannot share the file here because it’s too big (52mb, sharing max is 20.)

thanks again.

Hi Ryan - BooleanUnion does not handle meshes - you’ll need MeshBooleanUnion but the result will be all mesh even if surfaces are involved.


hi Pascal,

are meshes still okay to use for 3d printing? if so then there is no problem for me.
If by chance this will be a problem, is there a way for me to make it so it is possible to change something around for 3d printing?

thanks for the answer.

Hi Ryan - yes, for 3d printing you’ll need meshes anyway.


thanks pascal for the quick reply,

when doing the meshboolean, almost the entire ring becomes one open mesh and only a really small part is closed mesh. any tips or ideas?

Hi Ryan - can’t tell without the file. Are both part closed going in?


i can send it to your email, so you can have a look.

Hi Ryan - please send to to my attention.


i will have to send it via wetransfer because of size uploading limitations. it will be linked to my email.


Hi Ryan - it looks like the problem is likely in the ‘wreath’ mesh, most lilkely - that is a disjoint mesh and the pices do not all want to union to one thing. However, it may, depending on the printing system, be OK to leave these separate but intersecting - if your printer can handle that, it would be by far the easiest way to handle this, fixing the geometry will be some work I think.


thank you for checking it out. i will try to print it and see what happens. do you think i should still meshboolean or leave it as is and try to print it like that?

thanks again.

Hi Ryan - I would find out whether you need to complete the Boolean or whether intersecting solids will be priintable - that depends on the system.


Hi @ryan272727,

You might grab a Rhino 8 Evaluation and have a look at ShrinkWrap.

– Dale

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