C# script in ScriptEditor does not run in debugging mode with breakpoints


I hope I am missing something very basic here.

In testing out some of my C# scripts in the Rhino 8 (8 SR15) ScriptEditor I have come across the following.

The following very simple example code runs fine when the green arrow or F5 is pressed in the script editor.

// #! csharp
using System;
using Rhino;

public class Test
    public static void TestMethod()
        RhinoApp.WriteLine("This is a test");        


However, when a breakpoint is added (to the line RhinoApp.WriteLine("This is a test");) for example, the following error is returned.

Compile Error
Keyword ‘this’ is not valid in a static property, static method, or static field initializer (Error CS0026)

As you can imagine, this makes it a lot more challenging to debug code.

I welcome suggestions as to how I can debug Rhino C# code with breakpoints in the script editor. I know I can also debug with breakpoints step by step in Visual Studio, but then I need to reload Rhino with every time I run the plugin. Script editor provides a nice intermediate step to get smaller blocks of code working before putting them into a full blown plugin.

Many thanks for your help,

Thanks for reporting this. Already fixed in 8.16.

That is great news Ehsan,

I look forward to 8.16 coming out. At least on my system, the latest update I can get is SR15


Hi A -

Sometimes that dialog needs restarting Rhino and/or rebooting the system.
You can just click the “Check Now…” link and manually download the current 8.16 release candidate.

Thanks Wim, your tip worked perfectly.

Sometimes that dialog needs restarting Rhino and/or rebooting the system.


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