BSS - Building System Specialist
PAZ Academy (Parametric Academy Zurich)
Join the ArchiCAD+Grasshopper BSS or the Rhino.Inside Revit BSS Learn to connect parametric design with BIM, and obtain a BSS Certificate.
Learn how to connect architectural theory, computational design, and become a Building System Specialist in your professional career. These PAZ BSS courses focus on Rhinoceros+Grasshopper, from the first steps to your final BIM output in ArchiCAD or Revit.
Your next opportunity to join these two courses is July 1st!
Learn Rhino and Grasshopper through simple exercises and all the technical steps to make these two software work together. Go deeper with theory and systems on a professional and exciting PAZ Online Platform.
Get the maximum out of your BIM software, learn the power of parametric design, optimize your daily work, and get your BSS Certificate with personal PAZ accompaniment.
Details and registration for ArchiCAD users…
Details and registration for Revit users…
Posted Jun 25, 2020 by Carla Sologuren on Rhino News, etc.