Bug: TweenCurves fails often with simple surfaces

In this example, the command does not work: (the curves have been regenerated - “fit” command).
tweencurves error.3dm (54.1 KB)

You have to work for parts, break the curves, and use the “tweencurves” command for curve portions, just so it works, otherwise the command proves deficient.
I think it would be rewritten!

I agree that the Refit option often returns bad results. I’ll start a new thread about why I think it gives bad results when I have more time.

Did you use FitCrv directly, or did you use the Fit option in TweenCrvs?

A command should work well, not discontinuously.
Evidently something does not work from the beginning. I’ve been talking these issues for years, something has been solved, but not everything!

after drawing a simple curve, I use the “fit crv” command, then use tweencurves …


for situations of this kind, S-shaped ribbons, the command can not be used by any method!

Added https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-41163 for this, thanks.


I have a question that I added to the bug item.

@rajaa - sorry! - I attached the wrong file - please try the one attached now.


I see the problem you are pointing out, and it depends on which curve is the start one, and the direction. I agree that the burdin should not be on the user, and the command should work better in the general case. Maybe additional UI should be added to help. We added a new bug to our track system to help address these issues. Thank you.