I have some points that i’m using to create covex hull for offset, the points in each branch are coplanar to each to other, evident from isplanar, but offset curve tells me they’re not
I think this is a bug? happens in both R7 and R8 grasshopper nonplanarplanarpoints.gh (8.7 KB)
Each plane is oriented all differently.
Therefore, if you do not put anything in the Plane of the Offset Curve, it will not work properly.
Connect it to the Plane input of Offset and it will work.
yes, but they are on different branchs so that shouldn’t affect the detection
as seen here, using a different set of points, offset works fine without the plane input even tho each plane on each branch is oriented differently planarplanarpoints.gh (6.4 KB)
on a side note, there’s a dedicated component for curve planarity that also gives you a Deviation value, which gives all zeroes in this case, confirming the curves are indeed planar
it’s weird because if you pass those curves to a Boundary Surfaces component, they are indeed recognized as planar, and Boundary Surfaces are correctly created
when you extract the edges of those planar surfaces and feed them to Offset, also the last one of those is recognised as planar, but the middle one isn’t… there’s something weird going on @wim
the planes on which curves are recognized to lie on are always the very same
@wim Here’s another instance where I’m running into the same problem
Additionally there’s another instance where the convex hull is being calculated weirdly without providing the plane, maybe same/similar issue? 0403Offset+Hull.gh (10.0 KB)