I’m making use of the new Import Model Block Definition component and confused on how to make best use of it with referenced, linked blocks.
Essentially, I check if the Block Definition already exists in the model. If it does, I insert instances of it with the Model Block Instance component. If the Block Definition does NOT exist in the file, then I use the Import component to bring it into the model and then connect that output to the Model Block Instance component.
Anytime I make a change, I get the following dialogue prompt. Regardless of whether yes or no is chosen, the result is my block instances appearing as I want them too. However, this is a huge break in the workflow to have to choose the dialogue option every time the script re-runs.
Furthermore, I’m confused as to why the dialogue is appearing at all given that I’m baking a referenced Model Block Instance with the Bake Content node set to “Update” I would expect it to understand that the Block Instance already exists in the model and then simply update it if the position has changed or else ignore it and bake the others. Perhaps that’s not how it works though?
The behavior I expect is the following:
-Insert Block Instances at plane locations, bake these block instances and have them show up at their locations to commit them to the model as block instances OR alternatively, use Custom Preview on the exploded Reference geometry to preview it without baking.
Either way, I’m stumped on how to get around this dialogue while working with dynamic block spawning in Grasshopper R8.
@AndyPayne or @kike when you have a moment could you please shed some light on how best to work with the Block Instances in GH when they are linked and specifically how to prevent the dialogue pop-up warning?
Thank you all!