Brep closest Point in Plane

I’m trying to find the Brep closest point, where the test point is the plane origin but I need the output closest point to be in the test plane.

Trying to do this without doing a Brep/Plane intersection first and using the curve closest point after.
with the intersection works, but take way to long because I have around 1000 planes.

anyone know of a quicker way?
the method Brep Closest point is great, but is a 3D solution, is not constrained to the plane orientation.

How about some sample files?

I don’t think there’s an alternative solution, unless your brep has some very particular features (like for instance your Brep being a primitive solid like a sphere, box, cube… and also you have other info like its construction plane, radius, edge length and similars, which might allow for a “mathematical approach” )

if you want to get “Plane | Brep closest point along the Plane itself”, and the Brep is freeform, then the portion of the Brep that doesn’t intersect the plane doesn’t really matter (as you have already correctly described), so in order to find that very 2D curve a Plane | Brep intersection operation is required

Doesn’t this imply you were still ‘measuring’ a distance between the curve closest point (after brep/plane intersection) and the original starting points anyway? If you’re finding a brep closest point from a plane, once found don’t you just use the index of said point to get the corresponding plane origin point? Am I missing or misinterpreting something here? If this isn’t the case I bet Inno answered you correctly - nonetheless at least a screenshot would help.