Boundary surface problem with contours

Hi, I encountered a problem with the Contour and boundary surface component.

I intended to extrude each surface created by the contour component but even with flatten (shapes are set on x-plane) it didn’t work. Many thanks for any help in advance!

lampa (14.7 KB)

Hi !
Can you please explain what you are trying to do ? What is the purpose of the whole programm ?

instead of Contour you can try parallel XY Planes and Mesh|Plane intersection (same thing as Contour in the end, but working) :

in this case the Boundary Surface turns orange because I didn’t know exactly how many parallel planes to generate, so I spit out a random 500, and because most of those are empty, the Boundary Surface component is telling you it didn’t find curves to build surfaces with on many branches

lampa (20.1 KB)

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I have this idea to print this as a lamp which will have different material layers. One is made of transparent material, and the other is made of solid material.

I thought the same way, why does Boundary surface indicate a problem but can’t find a solution. Many thanks for solving this! You are my hero!

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