Spliting objects, deleting the unwanted parts, running BooleanUnion, one of the objects disappears and booleanUnion mysteriously fails. Undoing the BooleanUnion command. Copying the objects to rhino 7, and running the BooleanUnion on the objects without any modification, as they were in Rhino 8; Rhino 7 does the job correctly and beautifully where Rhino 8 fails.
you can watch the video to know what I’m talking about.
McNeel should address this issue. it seems that splitting one object from another, then booleanion the 2 objects, Rhino 8 fails, where Rhino 7 succeeds.
Intersect makes a closed curve plus two tiny open ones. The closed curve has some tiny segments as well. I know this is a bad example. Still somehow V7 figures it out.
Thank you for sharing. This example surely the BU would fail; Since BU relies on intersecting curves to split the surfaces, delete the ones that can’t be joined and then join the open polysurfaces where their split edges tightly meet… the intersect made one closed curve which is required for BU to work, but what caused it to fail was those 2 tiny open curves. I tried it in 8 and 7 and both the interest yielded those 2 tiny open curves which caused the BU in 7 and 8 to fail. The question would be: why Rhino created those +2 tiny curves in the first place?
I deleted the 2 tiny curves and used the closed curve to split bottom part, the split command failed (here is why BU fails too). to work around it, surprisingly, extract the upper surface and then split it with the closed curve, Rhino mysteriously split the surface into 3 parts. Why couldn’t split it while it was still part of the polysurface? this happens all the time. extracting then splitting would solve it, but why this workaround? anyway. doing this, the whole parts can be joined as one single polySurface.
I prepared the file for you to test it. Originally the file was created in Rhino 8.8. I split the white parts by the violet parts as you can see, deleted the unwanted parts, and I run BU which caused the parts to mysteriously disappear… copy and paste to Rhino 7 and run the BU which as you can see works fine. Something not right in Rhino 8 that needs fixing.
I share here the file with you, and I included here 2 videos one runs in Rhino 8 which fails and the other video that runs in Rhino 7 which works. Uploading: BU in 7 Works.mp4…