Hello everyone. I decided to study bongo 3 and for a week I have not been able to figure out how to solve such a problem. I have objects and they need to be connected. I set up the animation of lifting and turning the top correctly, but I can’t connect the green one between the two parts
in any way. If you set her a regular turn, then at some point she leaves the model and it doesn’t look pretty. Tell me please
Функция BongoCreateSpindleConnection вообще в какой то момент ломает модель…
Don’t think that I’m asking you to do all the work for me, but unfortunately I have no one else to turn to. Please help me connect the hinge here too (yellow mark on the photo)
And explain how you would implement the collision location (red color) I thought about using the IC somehow, but the IC help didn’t help me, and there are very few video lessons. I really want to learn
No doubt you realized, while building your model ‘Help plus 2’, that calculating the correct rotations is not easy. This calls for IK (Inverse kinematics). https://youtu.be/gqIxqM7Qfz8 Describes the basic concept. In https://youtu.be/D_3MU6Y5KGA the use of auxiliary objects is explained. Help plis 001.3dm (1.0 MB)
In Help plis 003.3dm (1.0 MB) the ‘cake’ object is made child of ‘down’. This way the coordination between both is simplified.
I’ll look into the other enigma later on. It does require Physics to handle the collision. However, in the current WIP Physics are drowning in a pile of setting. In WIP 20 - coming up by the end of the month - simplificaties are introduced. I think you better wait.
Thank you so much. I began to understand the logic a little more. It turns out I was doing almost everything right, all I had to do was specify the IC.
I will be happy to wait for the development of your products! Then what do you think is the best way to solve the problem with the “Help v3.3dm” file? As I understood your message above, there is no way to solve this problem right now, right? If so, then I’ll probably leave it like this, unfortunately I have to submit the project in two days
Thank you again for your time, it’s very valuable!
Help v3 001.3dm (1.8 MB)
This is what I was able to make. I can’t even begin to explain to you how it all works.
It is clear that the result depends strongly on the mass (weight) of object 5.
Lots of work has been done by the team since WIP 19.
By the way, as I understand it, I can’t transfer Bongo animations between 3dm files? I’m trying to transfer your or any other animation using BongoCreateSpindleConnection to a new file, and all that gets transferred are nurbs objects and some kind of “Connection 3”
My pleasure.
Indeed, copy/past of a connected structure is not possible yet. It is still on the to-do list BO-3653. The object data of the breps (including the physics) are preserved but you’ll have to delete the remains of the Connections and reinstall them.