Blocs or blocks?

I’m not very familiar with everything related to blocks and their management, but I’m wondering about some behaviors:
1- There might be an issue with translation from French to English (bloc → block?)?

2- The block manager is shown as empty, even though my file contains many blocks:

Merci pour votre aide

I think you are trying to attach a model block definition to the instance input

No, it’s the same problem for the two components:
Block Definition:

Block Instance:

Are there any tutorials that help understand the subtleties between these elements?

Where do those components come from? I don’t think those are Rhino’s native components


I mean the ones you marked with purple

Rhino Version:

My .gh file: (7.5 KB)

Those are from a plugin…

You can use the ones that are included in Rhino 8: (8.2 KB)

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After checking, these components come from VisualArq, which I had deactivated at the time of my question…