Blocks management in Grasshopper

That’s good! Maybe you can report once again to keep it improving, or contact him with this question to see what he advises you.

On the other hand, I am beginning to think that you don’t really want any help. You desperately need some flaw or limitation in order to prove your point. If you actually wanted some help you would have tried harder to get it, providing definitions and not screenshots, let alone incomplete screenshots to deliberately misguide the people trying to help you.

As it has been cleared, by unchecking the “disable auto update reference objects” you don’t need to do this.

+1 to Elefront.

I will never get it if you don’t want me to get it. Attaching attributes to a block instance is fairly easy, you simply define a block and bake it with attributes, as with any geometry.

Errr… did you actually check the definition I posted? Those are Blocks, with Attributes.

+1 to Elefront.

I just tried it and it works OK. As you can see, it took about 1.5s to bake my blocks. So, instead of rebacking them just to change attributes I can use Modify RhinoObject Attributes.

+1 to Elefront

Btw, I am done helping you, maybe you can post a new thread explaining your specific problem and attach your example files. Start here: