Blending two cull patterns in GH

Hi there, I’m new to Grasshopper and using it to generate weave patterns for textile application. I’m trying to blend two cull patterns to seamlessly go from a basic weave pattern to a random reduce pattern. Not sure how to go about it, any help is appreciated (41.8 KB)

welcome to the community. Good to see a good question with a nice script.
Not sure it answers the question but I think it could be more simple to use Jitter component that has a Shuffling strength.
Here I use integer because modulo 2 it gives me a checker, I just have to add a number to each column or row in order to have the checker good.
You can control it with Graph Mapper
As I use 1x1 grid (integer) rectangle are done using [-0.5 0.5] domain

weave (13.2 KB)

Or lets say we have 2 patterns on same points
if I give a value on each point between 0 and 1 and I choose pattern 1 if value less than something and 2 if more my something
Pattern 1

Pattern 2

I use a Noise from Nautilus

But it could be replace by a graph mapper using the coordinates …and you can have more than 2 patterns. (22.6 KB)

It is also possible to put some random in order to soften transition

weave blend (29.9 KB)

weave blend pattern no (14.0 KB)


Amazing! Thank you so much, Laurent!