I have created a C# plugins using RhinoCommon.
What is the best way to protect the code as I am planning to allow some other contractor to use my plugins, but I am worry about the contractors will take the plugins to our competition.
I have created a C# plugins using RhinoCommon.
What is the best way to protect the code as I am planning to allow some other contractor to use my plugins, but I am worry about the contractors will take the plugins to our competition.
Is compiling the code can be an option?
check this topic
to more or less protect your code → obfuscation
to make it run only on selected machines → licensing
if you find a nice solution - let me know, i am still not happy with my selfmade solution
It is compiled, decompiling are pretty smart to get pass obfuscation.
I was hoping there is a web solution maybe running the plugins from Amazon web service.
There’s no 100% bulletproof solution of protecting a C# plugin. The difficulty to bypass any obfuscation on the market varies from being very easy to moderate.
If it’s really important, I would move core code onto any web platform. A slightly better (and offline) way would be moving core code into native code, eg C++, and protect it with heavy-duty tools like VMProtect.
In most circumstances I won’t care about the issue. All my plugins are just plain and easy to decompile.
If your concern is about competitors using your plug-in then licensing sounds like where you need to focus as @Tom_ points out. Decompiling protection is only useful if you think someone is interested in stealing your code.