Bend Sub D Surface along Crv

Hello there, dear Rhino community,

I wanted to model a parametric bench for a restaurant. I’d like the back surface to flow like many parametric designs, which often involve translating a volume into individual “boards”.

In a straight line, this is a very easy task. I have done it using a SubD plane, which I formed, contoured, and then gave all curves/planes a thickness.

Where I run into a problem is when I want to move the formed SubD along a curve, as in this example.

Is there an easy solution to bend a SubD plane along a curve?

Best regards, and thanks in advance,


Subd seems very unecessary here. Create a closed curve (the cross-section of the bench) and Sweep1 it along your curve. Else post a file - bit tricky to see what your sweep shape looks like.

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Thanks for the fast reply. Your solution definitely seems like a good one, but as far as I understand, only the same curve would be extruded along the backside curve. I would like the whole back plane of the “sofa” to have different contours, like a wave, for example. Do you know how to bend a surface along a curve?

Best regards,


Might be easier if you post a file.

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Try Flow along Surface in Rhino

Sofa Test.3dm (14.1 MB)

I hope you can make sense of my file, and that it helps to explain my problem better. Thanks again for the help.

Best regards,

I rebuilt your red curve so the curved surface is one surface and not a polysurface.

Then I unrolled the surface to use it as a base for the Flow along Surface command. I subdivided the SubD a few times so it follows the curvature more closely.

Sofa Test Flow along Surface.3dm (2.6 MB)

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