Behaviour optimization-scroll to change toolbar

In rhino we can change toolbar by scrolling over toolbar names which is not serving the purpose as if the user is moving his mouse upto toolbar then why he will scroll, he can simply click on toolbar. rather thie active area of scrolling behaviour should be increased to icons below the toolbars. it also feels quick; for example, we move our mouse to the icon and realized that we need another toolbar then we can just scroll from the same position and the toolbars will cycle through based upon wheel direction.

  1. Also a little feedback after trying auto-plane feature in rhino8 -wip. after few minutes the behaviour of auto-plane frustrates the users because constant changing of cplane distract the user for long hour work. instead what i am suggesting is bind this behaviour to Alt+Right click to select the surface under cursor to select it as Cplane and “Alt+double Right click” to revert cplane to its original position.