Architectural UnReality Summer School 2016 - October 4-7, Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Architectural UnReality Summer School 2016
October 4-7, 2016
University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Architecture
Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

"New pipelines, new workflows, new paper for new pens need to be invented, because gaming engines are coming to schools of architecture. Virtual reality will be, or better say, is already a new way of making architecture.

During this workshop we will develop a workflow from modeling software Rhinoceros and its parametric plug-in Grasshopper to gaming engine Unreal Engine 4.12.

We will develop algorithms for temporary structures, bake them to geometry and import these to virtual reality. Finally, we will bring 1:1 scaled environment revived with HTC Vive and Oculus. Users will interact with our projects.

Abandoned industrial zone is our environment, our imagined location. Our playground. 15 projects from 15 students, walkable in virtual reality is our goal at the workshop.

We will go from scripting, modeling and texturing to scripting with blueprints in gaming engine, so some advanced skills of modeling are needed, but not mandatory. Bring your ideas and motivation for hard work and you are in. We will help you develop your ideas.

But be careful what you wish, it could be life changing…"

Igor Mitric Lavovski, Maja Ilic, Marko Koljancic, Dragana Tepic

Max. number of participants: 15
Application deadline: October 1, 2016

Online application…
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Posted Sep 20, 2016 by Elena Caneva on Rhino News, etc.