Sure, but trying to convince McNeel to stop developing for macOS, isn’t just “saying what you want”, but actively trying to make something go away for people using another OS than you!
Do you really know that much about their internal structure to determine this? Trolling much?
I get that. I suspect that many of the problems that Rhino allegedly has nowadays, stem from it being far too dependant on the Windows platform too. Once you scratch the surface a little, you quickly notice how deep these roots run.
This can not be true, at least when it comes to file support!! Blender even runs on Raspberry Pis, which technically is an ARM-based system, and there is a whole lot of supported formats.
Or look at Inkscape which supports even more formats in 2D.
In my opinion, if McNeel doesn’t manage to get Rhino working on ARM-based computers, it’s only a question of one or two generations, and they’ll be left behind for good. Not because macOS will surpass the user base of Windows, but because the current generation of youngsters now grows up with tablets that run iOS or Android, and most of them don’t even use a traditional computer anymore. As tablets and their OSes get better and better, there’s really no telling, if the traditional computer that we’re used to, is even a model of the future.
Microsoft has already lost in that division, since they don’t have a competitive mobile platform, but Rhino hasn’t. I’d plan for a fully working, no-bullshit tablet version in the next 5 to 10 years that can run on iOS and Android, and I believe that’s really sound advice!
If you think about the popularity of tablets and smartphones, it should become clear where we’re heading, and why what Apple is doing, in terms of unifying its platforms makes total sense. There’s not that much money to be made in consumer-driven desktop environments anymore. Microsoft knows that too and that’s why they’re focussing on the cloud.