Anyone know have a fast way to crop an image?

Often I screenshot an image from google search results and paste it into rhino for collaging, drawing, modeling, etc. When I do this I often wish there was a quick “cropping” method that I could use to draw a box over the image and trim the outside of it all in one step.

Right now it’s more like:

  • draw a rectangle
  • select the rectangle
  • run trim
  • click the outside of the image
  • hit enter to end trim
  • lock the image so I don’t accidentally reselect it
  • select the trimming rectangle
  • delete the trimming rectangle

If anyone knows a better way to do this I’d be interested to hear it.


Hi @pdfaze

I would recommend a bit shorter way, based on yours steps:

  • draw a rectangle
  • select the rectangle
  • run trim
  • click the outside of the image
  • hit enter to end trim
  • hit delete since rectangle is still selected

If you want it even more faster, you may create a macros and attach it to toolbar’s icon or keyboard shortcut.

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Better than my clunky method for sure…

Also, instead of screenshotting the search results try right-clicking on the image you want and choose Copy Image.


Good point. And just hit Ctrl + V in Rhino. This will paste buffered image.

Thanks Nathan! I didn’t know about that option, which completely eliminates the need to crop in many cases

Or use some screen capture tool that allows you to window exactly the part of the screen you want then Ctrl+V to paste into Rhino.