Amazing block plugin

I’ll just paste what I said in the other thread, with one change. McNeel shouldn’t just be embarrased, they should be ashamed:

Holy crap! :exploding_head:

I mean… woooooooow! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

  • The improved UX. :heartbeat:
  • The floating shortcuts menu. :sparkling_heart:
  • The simple fact that you get a popup of the name and it isn’t cut-off! :laughing: :1st_place_medal:

Someone got fed up of McNeel’s crap and actually knew how to fix it!

What’s wrong with the culture in McNeel that they can let something like this remain in their software that they are selling for more than a decade? And leave it to a user to fix it as donationware? (I really hope someone from McNeel gives them a big donation.)

Care to comment @bobmcneel?