Align a curve along a straight line

I have a cyan color curve that needs to be aligned along the straight-line
test.3dm (51.2 KB)
black color on the front view. Could you please tell me if there is any command or any procedure to do it easily?

i am not fully sure what you mean since your description is a bit scrambled, you say the cyan curve has to be arranged along the straight curve, since the cyan is the straight curve i assume you want to align the wavy black curve along the straight cyan lin.

use orient, in the case below i used the option scale 1d.

Sorry, I would like to align the black curve along the cyan curve. Like this

Could you please tell me how to do this?

Three methods depending on what you want to do:

ExtrudeCrv a plane using the straight line.

Option 1: Project the curve onto the plane. (If the plane is not sufficiently large then ExtendSrf the plane so that it is large enough.) The projection direction can be changed in the command options.

Option 2: Pull the curve onto the plane. (If the plane is not sufficiently large then ExtendSrf the plane so that it is large enough.) When the target is a plane the result of pull is the same as projecting in the direction normal to the plane.

Try both options.

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extrude the black curve, then use UnrollSrfUV, duplicate the resulting edge and use Orient3Pt. one trick to get the 3rd direction on the target curve is to use ctrl click on the last point to elevate the direction upwards, or simply flip the resulting surface uv 90 degrees and use the normal orient.