hI; actually I am experimenting with Rhino & I am new in it. I have installed from beginnig Rhino7 in GERMAN language, and I opted so, because I THOGHT, in Englisch I will not understand the huuuuge nr. of commands. So I more intuitivly experimented with Chat GPT, asking for “this- or that-COMMAND” in german, it deliver me very often wrong commands, or commands, wich are not existing… (or not understood in the
“german-Rhino” so I loose a lot of time. It also generated some Python-scripts, wich I found to be good ( as experiment) … and I was very happy to learn, but if it comes to real situations and sofisticated design, I must recognize, that unfortunatly GPT itself “is in-learning-modality” and it generated some 13 and 14 documents ( wich all I hat to pull through the interpreter…and rs) without making a real progress and without whished END/desird result. So can SOMEONE (or more) tell me, how can i use AI, that brings me forward in learning & obtaining results, and wich ai is suitable for Rhino and what do y use, for to be quickly in results (in combination with Rhino-work, and/or how can I obtain better commands in my "german-workarround"strong text.
Please just learn how to use Rhino, you are wasting your time.
There is nowhere close to enough training material on the Internet for any LLM to create useful Rhino scripts of any sort.
True! Interest, passion, fun, pet projects, questions (and answers) here and work, work, work!
Hi Nomand, that´s raly not very helpful…I´m VERY motivated ! .e.g. I tried to obtain an array, and as a beginner I worked a LOT. I made it with GPT, and obtained a VERY good and quick and usable result. This I ment… in “2D”…, I was impressed…seeing it building 25.000 circles in 4 s ( it´s seemless to use Grashopper… ) or to explode some stuff, or to recombine. or a simple “lifting half across sections” etc., that´s what I ment :)… . . . . . some REAL HINTS, not only cheep comments…
What are you trying to actually do? How are you even trying to feed anything into Rhino? You don’t need ChatGPT to make an array.
Sorry, the LLM’s DO NOT HAVE SUFFICIENT TRAINING DATA for a niche of a niche like Rhino, that is a fact, anything that works is going to be so simple you didn’t need ChatGPT for it, and it’s not going to be a substitute for just reading the documentation and asking questions here.
so what do y want to say?..let me traduce this
… i`m saying what i experienced, (by the way… in “hard work” so i needet it, for to make a array of 25.000 points, and "normaly I dit NOT know…Studdying the whole stuff, wich i like, but have no time… is boring… so wich command d y use (direct in rhino, for to make a simple pattern, arranged in a circular way, with radius r, in distance r between, in same distance x beween the circles ? ? y are right : if y know, y know, if y don´t, “You” cannot post here ALL this little issues… ,yes you can, but I would fill the whole chat (post-space) in minutes…
It’s true what they are saying here. Chatgpt can’t write working code for many applications. Even when the code runs, it is often wrong. It just isn’t a substitute for training.
However, I have found it kind of useful for some limited work with a specialized API. I recently had to work with hdf5, and although the code it wrote for that often didn’t work either, it got me closer enough that I could figure out the rest.
Other times, I find you can bounce concepts off of it. It can generate pseudocode for some well established algorithms that you may be trying to learn about, as long as it isn’t too complicated. From there, someone who is knowledgeable in a particular code language and API can complete the code so that it runs. At least at this time, this is really the only legitimate way to use chatgpt productively.
Okay but that was incomprehensible and I don’t know what you expect anyone to tell you here. For the third time, there is just not enough training data out there for coding Rhino, there is no secret obscure LLM that is going to work better for you, there are no tips to be given. You are the pioneer, I guess.
Are you asking for the ArrayPolar command? Just look at the documentation. It’s right here: Command Quick Reference | Rhino 3-D modeling
As everyone else has pointed out, ChatGPT can’t do Rhino for you, but it can certainly help proofread your posts:)
The only time I found ChatGPT to actually spit out useable code was when I asked it to print “Hello World”. It did that pretty well. Ramp up the difficulty and it starts making things up.
Ai is extremely helpful in explaining, validating or documenting code, text or logic in general. Just recently I could reverse engineer highly optimized C code with it. LLM’s can help you if you feed it with the right context. As other pointed it requires enough training data and a user being very sharp in knowing the correct wording. Its a bit of a chicken-egg problem, because if you don’t know much about something, you might fail to explain what you want. Other than that, always prefer asking in English. You often get better results. Still nothing beats practicing a lot. An AI can not compensate your lack of knowledge, it basically gives you good hints for further research. You should always assume a given answer is partially incorrect.
It was by no means meant as a cheap comment. The question was how to use AI in learning Rhino, and I simply agree with what @JimCarruthers wrote. I’m sure there are many areas where AI/LLM are useful in education and a host of other areas, but from my experience, learning Rhino is not one of them. As mentioned, the amoumt of written traning material for the LLM’s to learn from is just not enough - hence the call for traditional learning. Same goes for writing code FOR Rhino: the sample base is so small that there are bound to be many, many errors in most AI generated code. If you are an experienced programmer, you might be able to spot where the errors are (I’m not one, so I’m lost!), but it doesn’t know the ins and outs of Rhino-specific Python (or C# or whatever) well enough to help you. Again, there isn’t material enough for it to learn from. So the comment might appear snarky to you, but it’s still my opnion on the matter.
I actually find Github Copilot really helpful for me to get starting with my journey to learn coding. It may not understand Rhino’s API but it really understand python’s syntax. it is not perfect, but it makes the learning path much easier for me so far.it hallucinates a lot, but that will force you to review the docs and see what is going on.
I really don’t understand this insistence that Ai is the preferred way. You’re expecting AI to teach you under the pretense that it’s seemingly impossible to learn on your own, but people have been learning rhino for decades without an LLM.
Just look around on the rhino command guide online and see what closely does what you want.
If it’s a language problem, it’s also not. Me and everyone in my office use rhino in English with no problem and most of them don’t speak a lick of English. I think you’ll be fine
of corse, as a professional, wich worked bunch of years in this (like - probably you - , my comment (and hope)…to go forward quickly, seems to you “hard” bc to direct ? If so, sorry, I apologise. But look, it happens ( i think, for other beginners too, that they “stay” on ONE problem (like I will post in few minutes) and NOTHING goes, bc of lack of experience… In “real” I might stay in this forum all day… asking for this or that. YOU - maybe - as “part-of-Rhino”, should not fight against AI for&in Rhino, for example to help to find the right commands, in VERY Quick time, and NOT searching through the whole bunch of commands. I REALY LOOSE very very much time ! ! So please gove this straight forward to McNeil :), if it is possible. I don´t want to argue but THIS IS A huuuuuge STRUGGLE for ME, to find the right commands.If you / I were able to explain your problem CLEARLY in words, and ASK RHINO (not GPT 1) for to give the “right commmand”, expecialy in GERMAN (but also in ENGLISH !) it would be a huuuuuge help for beginners, like me ! THANKS
The way you write is very confusing and irritating. I would suggest you to first sort out your thoughts before you post. If you are using ChatGPT the same way I am not surprised at all that its output is not bringing you joy at all. You’ve got plenty of advise here and if you have not gotten the point that learning the fundamentals is necessary then you’ll be facing continuing frustration. There is no one to blame, except one person. Don’t get me wrong, this does not mean that tools like Rhino should not be constantly improved but it’s not the developer’s job to deal with ignorant users who think they can beat expertise by simply using LLMs.
Got it… finally. I´m learning
Use the Prompt word “flow chart” then u get this result in “plaintext” output from CHAT GPT
Chat GPT 4o can also understand Screenshots from your Script and tell u what is wrong or what is going on.
@ JimCarruthers But it can help to find a new way to solve a Problem or to find Components u dont knew what to do with.
Great example! GIGO in a nutshell.