As an architect, my engineering skills are primarily focused within my field, but I’ve always had an interest in product design. Specifically, I’m curious if generative design is available as a plugin in Rhino/Grasshopper. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
What I’m attempting to do is create a simple shelf holder and apply some point loads to simulate whether my 3D print will be capable of holding weight. Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
@AndersDeleuran We live and we strive to learn. Thank you for clarifying and the educational aspect of your message. You are right, the AEC industry is controlled by one giant and we are unfortunately stuck wihtin their controls. I will have a look and hopefully will find something that is simple enough for me to get an easy grasp on.
@Quan_Li thank you for providing the links as well but for a simple shelf the pricing associated with those plug-ins would not be feasible.
Grasshopper or Rhino is what I am using and prefer to use. Honestly I have not yet had a moment to see the link posted by @AndersDeleuran . Just reviewing them quickly, they seem too advanced for what I am looking for. In saying that I will take a closer look at them.
The question was for @AndersDeleuran.
Sorry for the confusion.
I am with you, I prefer using Rhino and GH. I tried some plugIns and ended up making generative Design in F360. I never did a valid comparison with a case study, what indeed would be nice to see.
If you plan to do simple stuff, go ahead, but as someone that have to use imported models in inventor nastran all the time, you will have problems and troubleshooting will take a significant part of your day