I have 2 data trees. The first one consists of 5 branches {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} and the second one of 3 branches with each one having 5 additional branches {0;0}…{2;4}. I would like to take the values from the second data tree and add to them the values from the first data tree. So it would go… {0;0} + {0}, {0;1} + {1}…{2;4} + {4}. What would be the best way to achieve this?
This looks a little ridiculous compared to @HS_Kim’s simple code, especially since the purple group is all to get one number: 3. But the original tree structure of the second panel is preserved.
I was thinking of doing something similar aswell. However your specific solution seems to have an error in it. The final data tree has 15 items in each branch. But it should be 10 as in the original tree.