The method wants the following:
But I’m not sure what to reference for DimensionStyle
I tried Rhino.DocObjects.Tables.DimStyleTable.Current
but that didn’t work
Creating a DimStyle from scratch requires a million things…
What am I missing here?
I actually need to do this in GH and get text out…
// #! csharp
using System;
using Rhino.Geometry;
using Rhino.DocObjects;
using Rhino;
RhinoDoc doc = RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc;
DimensionStyle docStyle = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.DimStyles.Current;
TextEntity txt = TextEntity.Create("hello world", Plane.WorldXY,docStyle, false, 100,0);
Guid idTxt = doc.Objects.AddText(txt);
RhinoApp.WriteLine(" new txt with id {0}",idTxt);
DimensionStyle style = new DimensionStyle();
style.Name = "demo";
style.Id = new Guid();
Plane pl = Plane.WorldXY;
pl.Origin = new Point3d(0,30,0);
TextEntity txt2 = TextEntity.Create("hello world 2", pl,style, false, 100,0);
Curve[] crvs = txt2.CreateCurves(style,false,1.0,1.0);
foreach (Curve crvi in crvs) doc.Objects.AddCurve(crvi);
above does do an initial job here.
Not sure about the 1.0,1.0 in CreateCurves.
does this help as a startingpoint ?
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Thanks for that. I will see how that works converted to Python However, I think I am going to try a different approach actually.