About the projection fill

Hello, friends!

My colleagues and I are in great need of VA’s projection filling function, no matter the plan or elevation drawing. When I saw this plan on the official VA website, I was very happy!! But I don’t know exactly when you can probably use this function? Very eager! Thank you very much!

Hi @Fog,

We are aware this is a very needed and requested feature and so that we are planning to include it in VisualARQ 3. Unfortunately I cannot say when it will be ready yet but I will keep you updated about it.

Be patient and the “Planned” features will come “soon”. Maybe in 100 years…

Projection hatches would have saved me a lot of time already, too! Hope this comes ‘soon’.

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Hi all, I’ve shared a gh definition on food4Rhino that generates the projection hatches on walls.

I know, I know, the hatches, once baked, don’t remain attached to the wall dimensions or positions, and they are independent elements but I hope this can be useful eventually until we don’t add this feature natively in VisualARQ.

This definition doesn’t work with curved walls.


Wall Projection Hatches VisualARQ