A script to place an object in a specific layer without making that layer active

Hey guys,

Is there a way to write a script for V6 that would place an object that you have selected in to a specific layer without changing the layer that you have active? Or, said another way, let’s say you’ve got Layer A active and have just laid down some text that you want to end up in Layer B by just using an alias and you want to stay in Layer A once it’s placed there. Is that possible in V6?

Thank you.

Hi @cosmas,

would a macro be enough ?

! _-ChangeLayer _Pause "Layer B"


That’s great, @clement, thank you.

Now how would I use it if the layer is a sublayer of another layer? Let’s say the parent layer is called “reg” and the sublayer is called “.18”…

Thank you.

Hi @cosmas,

you would then use :: between the parent layer and the sublayer like this:

! _-ChangeLayer _Pause "reg::.18"


Awesome. Thank you:slight_smile: