I believe this is one of the primary issues and is what I’m focusing on to try and improve framerate.
Hi, just bought rhino 8 and am also having issues with the 3d connexion space mouse - some of the axes of movement are flipped, but not all of them! Also in certain positions the axes of motion will cease to work at all / move extremely slowly. It worked a dream in rhino 6!
Welcome to the club
The struggle is real. 3D mouses are where it’s at
Got to surf through all the settings and do whatever works the best
I’m having real issues with my wireless spacemouse with rhino 8. It’s flipping around, pretty much out of control. Not really sure what to do.
All I could do is recommend the settings I use and maybe describe some of the hurdles.
Basically the best technique currently available imo, is to obligate yourself to allow the 3dconnexion drivers to auto-adjust the camera target upon momentary pauses time and time again.
If you don’t allow pauses to allow the driver to set the target, then the behavior will inevitably be terrible.
The compounding problem with this obligation, is the target can easily hit the wrong spot within the viewport and end up being a bad point, hence the correction of anew pause to allow anew target.
The pauses are inevitable imo – until something changes relative to driver technology.
I would probably prefer an ability to choose where the rotation point is, with both a 2D mouse click and/or an actual list of rotation points that are definable and nameable, etc. This might help reduce the pause behavior.
Honestly if the drivers didn’t constantly reset then the pausing would be less necessary, but a list of definable rotation points doesn’t exist yet, so until it does; the pausing is the best technique imo.
We all have different tendencies however, so others might have different preferences.
Yes, I’ve been witnessing this behavior as well, not only in the wips but also now in the release and also in the service release.
I guess rather than improving 3D navigation over the last 20 years, we just get worse 3D navigation.
Maybe someday the human race will learn to walk rather than crawl.
R7 didn’t have this behavior, that I can recall. It must be a new R8 feature.
It’s more of a glitch. I’ve yet to diagnose the causes. It seems random so far to me.
It’s random imo.
I used R7 for a year or 2 and never saw this glitch occur even once. While I’ve seen it a dozen times in R8 wip and a dozen times in R8 release.
I could probably concur this to be the case, but I’m not sure yet.
So, far everything leads to the camera frustum – in my strong opinion.
If Rhino ever gives the users more control over this said frustum, then we will have an epiphany.
Yes, I can confirm that’s true. The viewport jumping only happens when the viewport properties are shown. Thanks for finding that - an easy workaround for now.
I’ve been using 3Dconnexion mice since around 2004, so that’s 20 years for you.
It was a bumpy road, say, for the first 5 years, but it has been working flawlessly for 15 years …until now.
This jumping around is killing me !
The new stuff is all well and good, but PLEASE prioritize not screwing up what was working just file !
Please get that fixed.
um I don’t agree, but I’m glad to see a user that’s been enjoying 3dmouses and Rhino
yeah the jumpy ness as of late is somewhat discouraging, I honestly haven’t seen it happen the last few weeks. maybe I’m not doing enough CAD work
FYI - The jumpiness is very consistent for me, but a workaround suggested earlier resolves it well enough for now. The problem happens when Rhino’s Properties panel is set to the default “Viewport” option (camera icon). If you select another option such as the neighboring icon for “Safe frame,” the problem goes away.
Thanks ! It seems to work indeed.
That really narrows down the source of the bug quite nicely.
It shouldn’t take long to fix, right @Gijs ?
thanks, I added that to the YT
Hi Gijs,
When can we expect this to be fixed ?
It’s kind of irritating since the workaround of switching from the “Viewport” to “Safe frame” tab has to be done each and every time I open a Rhino instance.
This jumping around is like being pecked to death by ducks…
@osuire I see that @BrianJ was not able to reproduce it anymore after a change made by Curtis. This is in 8.6.24064.02001, are you running 8.5 or a 8.6 SRC?
I consistently experienced this problem before, and now it appears to be resolved. I’m running this version:
Version 8 SR5
(8.5.24072.13001, 2024-03-12)
Thank you.
I’m running 8.5, and it’s jumpiddy’jumping…
Downloading the Release Candidate 8.6 as I’m writing this.
8.6 solved the issue for a while,
If you are running 8.5, download the latest RC.