Plugin distribution best practices

Great Dale!
That gets me most of the way there. I was able to zip it all up and the rhi installed. My extra stuff was installed as well. Plugin loads, runs fine. Now I need to update how I had some settings in order to reflect the new install locations.
Are there easy properties that I can use to access the ‘Common’ directory and assembly directory location? I see some things in Rhino.PlugIns.PlugIn, and System.Reflection.Assembly, but this is new ground for me and I would need to access the folders where things were installed for settings, configs, etc. Since the Rhino installer could potentially install it in a few different places (User vs all Users, etc) how do I ensure that I can always get to the …\MyPlugin{GUID}\VersionNumber\MyPlugin\Rhino Version\Common or x84 or x86?