Zone for daylight in specific distance from wall


Im trying to creat zones for doing daylight simulation. I need the zone to be 0,5 meters from the wall. I have placed aligned dimensions, but I find that I am endlessly draggin these around to get the correct distance, and the again, trying to fit my polysquare that I use for the zone in grashopper, to align with the leader.

Are there any way that I can som how type in the specifik length I want the dimension to be, and then somehow snap the curve line to the leader.

Or antoher way to achive it easier?

Best regards

Hej Morten -

This works the other way around. You create your rectangle and dimension it. When you then modify that rectangle (by, for example, typing a specific length value when scaling 1D), the dimension will automatically update.

Hi Wim

Thank you very much for your reply, Im a noob at Rhino, and not exactly shure how to do what your suggested. But your reply did lead me to a solution I am very happy with.

I achived it by doing this:
First draw a rectangle (any size)
Select the box
Then go to BoxEdit (Type BoxEdit and hit Enter)
Set X and Y values in size to 0.5:
Then Move the box to one corner of the room (Type Move, then select a corner point of the box, and move it to a cornor point in the room)
Copy the box 3 times and move accordingly to each cornor of the room.
Then Draw a Polyline from each cornor of the 4 boxes.
Gave me perfect size and distance for zone:

Thank you very much :slight_smile: