Zebra Settings

What are the best program settings for a smooth Zebra image?

Hello - use the Adjust mesh button > Detaied controls and in that control set the Minimum initial grid quads’ to some large number - 5,000 is a good start for individual surfaces.


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Oh thats perfect, thank you Sir!

checking the “jagged seams” box usually helps too…

I’m not so sure about that - with jagged seams, you can get a ‘false’ jag in the stripes as they cross the seam simply because the analysis mesh vertices do not line up.

With a fine enough mesh, it should really not be a problem either way - I had to work at it to get the above image…


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Yeah, You are completely right.
I got the whole “jagged seams” nomenklatura upside down.
I re-formulate:
“un-checking the “jagged seams” box usually helps too…”, but that is the default, so…

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