Greetings @will, how are things?
We must meet up again soon once this mess is all over!
Anyway, I’m finally trying to do the right thing and create a yak package for biomorpher but running into the following snag when attempting to build, tbh the error is beyond the realms of my knowledge and wondering if you might be able to shed some light?
I have no fancy threading going on in the solution even though the error seems to refer to something to that effect, however Biomorpher.IGA.Friends is mentioned - this is the only static class in the solution so perhaps this could have something to do with it (I don’t know why it would)?
Anyway, any help appreciated! I’ve zipped up to the contents of what I’m trying to build, feel free to decompile if necessary, src on git.
Thanks and see you again soon in the flesh all being well,
John. (2.8 MB)
C:\Users\su918958\Documents\GitHub\Biomorpher\release\0.7.1>"C:\Users\su918958\Documents\YakTemp\Yak.exe" build
Building package from contents of C:\Users\su918958\Documents\GitHub\Biomorpher\release\0.7.1
Found manifest.yml for package: Biomorpher (0.7.1)
Inspecting content: Biomorpher.gha
Unhandled Exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. —> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘Biomorpher.IGA.Friends’ threw an exception. —> System.InvalidOperationException: The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this.
at System.Windows.Input.InputManager…ctor()
at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.GetCurrentInputManagerImpl()
at System.Windows.Input.KeyboardNavigation…ctor()
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.FrameworkServices…ctor()
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.EnsureFrameworkServices()
at System.Windows.FrameworkElement…ctor()
at System.Windows.Controls.Control…ctor()
at System.Windows.Controls.ItemsControl…ctor()
at HelixToolkit.Wpf.HelixViewport3D…ctor()
at Biomorpher.IGA.Friends…cctor()
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at Biomorpher.IGA.Friends.VerionInfo()
at Biomorpher.BiomorpherInfo.get_Version()
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object parameters, Object arguments)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo.GetValue(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object index, CultureInfo culture)
at System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo.GetValue(Object obj, Object index)
at Yak.GrasshopperAssemblyInfo.GetProperty[T](String name)
at Yak.GrasshopperAssemblyInfo.get_Version()
at Yak.Inspectors.GrasshopperAssemblyInspector.Inspect()
at Yak.Cli.Commands.BuildCommand.Execute(String args)
at Yak.Cli.Program.Main(String args)