Wrong geometry location of nested family from family document

I’m trying to get the geometry of a nested family in a door family, but it’s showing up in the wrong location in Rhino. The wall element in which it is hosted shows up in the right location.

Is this a bug or there’s a particular reason? Is there a solution / workaround?
Screenshots and door family below.

novoporta premio t90-1_ei2 90-1 733 x 2057 E2339 - Aufzug.rfa (1.9 MB)

Not seeing this, are you working on Linked Elements?

No, I’m working directly in the family document. It looks from your screenshot that you are testing in a project document?

That was good catch, unfortunately nothing has changed in the Family Doc. I’ll try in R2019 (tested in 22)

It was happening to me on Revit 2022.

It seems a restart fixed it though. Still not sure what the issue was, but thanks for testing.