Wrinkly Mesh

I’ve been deforming a flat, square mesh with the “point deform” component, and used curves as attractors to create a relief effect. I can’t get rid of these wrinkles by bringing up the number of attractor points, while increasing the face count seems to partially work but requires a lot of computation; here you can see how tweaking the two translates:

  1. Attractor Points Count

  2. Target Face Count

My guess is that this could be solved by using a triangulated mesh, can anyone confirm this? I’m including a different set of curves because of an nda: Relief.gh (39.1 KB)

What you do is to move the points of the inital mesh just along z. Thus, the resolution of you initial mesh stays the same (see screenshot). In this approach it is really hard to get rid of the wrinkles without increasing the resolution. I think triangulation would help indeed and maybe also some smoothing. There are a bunch of plugins that do that, i.e. Weaverbird.

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I didn’t find triangulation to make any difference, but smoothing solved the problem. Thank you!