WrapMode in TableLayout

Hi everyone,

I was trying to wrapping the texts in the label, but it seems its not working on TableLayout or I am missing something, I tried some possible combinations btw… How can I achieve wrapping the text with new line at below when I reduce the width of panel? @curtisw




Sample code on the images;

wrapTestLabel = new Label()
    Text = "I am one of the fan of Eto.Forms,\nI want to wrap texts in the label but they are not wrapping I dont know why....",
    Width = 300, // or something narrower
    Wrap = WrapMode.Word,
    TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,

var wrapTestLayout = new TableLayout()
    Padding = new Padding(5, 10, 5, 5),
    Spacing = new Size(5, 5),
    Rows =
        new TableRow(null, wrapTestLabel, null),

TableLayout layout = new TableLayout()
    // Padding around the table
    Padding = new Padding(5, 10, 5, 5),
    // Spacing between table cells
    Spacing = new Size(5, 5),
    Rows =
        // some other layouts
        new TableRow(),
        // some other layouts
        new TableRow(new TableCell(wrapTestLayout , false)),
        // some other layouts
        new TableRow(),

Content = layout;

Thanks in advance,
Merry christmas everyone!