Is there another way to accomplish this using Python other than DetailNames. Not in 5 or 6 that I can find for Python.
Is there another way to accomplish this using Python other than DetailNames. Not in 5 or 6 that I can find for Python.
Hi Eric, below is a quick python example on how to get the detail ids or detail view names for all page views:
import Rhino
import scriptcontext
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
def DoSomething():
# get all page views
page_views = scriptcontext.doc.Views.GetPageViews()
if page_views.Count == 0: return
# iterate page views
for pv in page_views:
# get detail views for this page view
detail_views = pv.GetDetailViews()
# list page name and detail count
print "'{}' has {} details:".format(pv.PageName, detail_views.Count)
# list detail ids and detail view names
for dv in detail_views:
print " Id: {} Name: {}".format(dv.Id, dv.Viewport.Name)
This is great! Thanks.