Wishlist - "Tube" component

OK, well at least the original wish is youtracked (thanks @wim) , otherwise it is already lost in the general hubbub…

This does most of that. I wonder how many times this particular wheel has been reinvented?

tubes_2020Feb20b.gh (17.7 KB)

It doesn’t need to be reinvented if the component exists… thanks for proving my point.

I stand in solidarity with you and @ShynnSup on this matter. A ridiculous amount of time, effort and frustration is squandered regularly, re-solving the same problems over and over, because so many things are left to custom coding and plugins.

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Yes very true Unfortunately. We need more @DavidRutten s

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// Rolf


// Rolf

Rofl :smiley:


If only it were possible in this dimension

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Many thanks for this Seghier. This was exactly what I was looking for. It is fast and precise.

@ Helvetosaur: I find your response quite rude.
You have a single component that does the job and which is even more powerful than a linear extrusion of a tube. The only difference is, that it is not called “Tube” but its a Python component.
If I understand you correctly, you´d be perfectly happy, once McNeel copies Seghier´s code and makes an official Tube component out of it?

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In Fennec addon there are two components called Extrusion & Inner profile, works better and faster for tube

Interesting that on your first post on this forum you start out by calling someone rude… Maybe you need to carefully re-read the entire thread from start to finish - including the first post…