Wish V6 - Layout Split for Long Parts

It would be very useful when creating a layout of a long part with no features in the middle, if you could split the part displaying only the pertinent information for detailing.


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Can you make two details lined up with each other, one showing one end of the part and another showing the other end?

Crude example:

@margaret I think Don is looking for an automatic way of doing this. Perhaps a double ended detail that has the break lines built into it. Would be a nice feature.

@margaret That is what I am doing now, it is a little tedious. Especially if you make a mistake or want to change something. As @carvecream said, an automated approach would be very welcome.


It would be nice if this became a thing to have dimensions that understand and support broken details like this, and perhaps included a couple of styles of broken dim squiggles as well (or define your own squiggle).


[quote=“SamPage, post:5, topic:8883, full:true”]
It would be nice if this became a thing to have dimensions that understand and support broken details like this, and perhaps included a couple of styles of broken dim squiggles as well (or define your own squiggle).[/quote]

This would definitely be a welcome feature as well.


Added to wish list: http://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-27536