I’d like to opt for the possibility to unroll pointclouds alongside breps.
Currently points are already unrolled (when within tolerance of the brep)
How about the option to take pointclouds into account and unroll its points that lie within tolerance?
Hi Willem - I imagine that is possible - would you expect the points that get unrolled to also be in a new point cloud, or treated as individual points?
I would make the result a point cloud. That way it helps differentiate what got unrolled. It’s also pretty easy to run the explode command after if you have to.
Yeah, I was just thinking that it might be only a few points that get unrolled and by default, individual points in a point cloud are pretty teeny and hard to see.
Yes I would, ( they will be equally visible before as after anyway)
And all attributes should be maintained ( pointcloud object attributes as well as the point colors).
Points that fall off will be discarded making it possible that only a part of a pcloud is unrolled.
Right, that is why I thought you might just want points as output - maybe only a few are relevant and you care about the points, not the point cloudness of them. In any case, I get it, and I’ll add to the heap…
For this request, the main advantages of the pcloud is it’s relative small footprint.
Imagine a surface with lots of sample points, a pcloud would be much less overhead than many separate points.
The specific case I’m working on is unrolling a (poly)surface with sample points to keep a relation between the 3D and 2D points as a means of reorienting the unrolled surfaces.
@pascal - this is along the same lines as the CreateUVCrv I wanted after diving that sphere by 600 equal points, is it not?
@Willem - I was using some of Daniel Piker’s Grasshopper stuff to divide a sphere equidistantly, as I changed the number of divisions it plotted a map of dots with references for each point which would update parametrically. I’m glad you pointed this out - it would be a handy addition.