Wish: Sweep1 with tangency and curvature option

I wish for tangency and curvature option for sweep1, just like sweep2 and network surf has.


The “Align with surface” option in Sweep1 makes a surface with good continuity if the curves are set up correctly. That approach makes better quality surfaces than networksrf or sweep2.
Here is an example. Sweep1.3dm (90.5 KB)

Align with surface is a good way to do this- curves that are set up tangent to the edge will sweep along the edge and maintain tangency, but the tool does not do anything special to establish tangency- that is, if the curve is set at some angle off-tangent, say 10 degrees, it will be swept maintaining that angle all along.

A good way to get curves set tangent to an edge for this type of sweep is OrientCurveToEdge. The CPlane Z where the curve is selected will be mapped to the surface normal.


Yeah, I know, and using match after the sweep is also a good way to get to the result.

But I still wish for Sweep1 to be more like sweep2 and networksurf.

In sweep2 we can add a single degree 1 line between two surfaces edges and then sweep2 that, choose rebuild AND curvature on one side and position on the other.

I have for a long time wished for a sweep1 that is like sweep2 so please give it some thought.

Nobody has suggested that.

I personally don’t care if what you are requesting were added to sweep1.

What would be a major travesty would be if what you proposed replaced the “align with surface” option in sweep1 since that is a decidedly better way to create quality surfaces with good continuity.

Well, perhaps- it might be a different result however- with ‘Align with surface’, the profile curve is rotated as a whole to maintain the relationship to the surface along the edge- MatchSrf after the fact will change the control points needed near the edge but the sweep as a whole will follow (assuming ‘Freeform’) a different path- So with curves more complex than two points, the shape of the section will change with MatchSrf for Tangency run afterwards, and will not change using ‘Align with surface’.


I am not asking to replace, what I wish for is curvature and tangency options.
If you use sweep1 with multiple cross sections then it would be nice to have the option to toggle on curvature or tangency.

I know you are a high fidelity modeler jim, and I agree that “doing it right the first time” is very often the best approach, if you are modeling. But if I am designing and testing and tweaking, then I am after quick solutions.