Wish: Smart control point selection

Hi, it would be cool if there was a way to select 1 or more surface control points and then be able to press the Tab key to quickly cycle between all corresponding U, V or UV control points. Currently, that functionality is limited to using the “Select U”, “Select V” and “Select UV” commands, as well as double-clicking on the line between two control points to select the entire row. However, this is kind if limiting and slow. A single button or key press to cycle between there would be much more useful, especially knowing that using either “Select U” or “Select V” leads to using the Undo command since there is no clear indication which direction is U and which is V (unless a specific viewport mode is created to show an individual colour for each direction).

Pressing TAB again will switch back to the originally selected points.

Also, a reminder that a single-click on the line between two control points of a polysurface with shown control points (! _SolidPtOn) will not select the latter. Doing so between two control points of curves and surfaces works, though.


Added as a Wish

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Thanks for your willingness to improve the control point selection.

Also, a way to select every second control point or row of control points* will help in many situations. For example, being able to select every 2nd control point is a convenient way to create distorted shapes with multiple bumps and dips (I can see it being very useful with SubD in Rhino 7, too).
Another example is when the user wants to simplify a surface with the “Remove knot” command. Being able to select every 2nd row of control points will allow him or her to keep the overall shape of the surface, especially if the selection is only limited to a certain portion of the surface that consists an extreme amount of control point rows. In comparison, “Rebuild surface UV” will alter the entire surface and will drastically change it shape.

PS: By the way, the link can’t be opened at the moment.

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All I’m doing are capturing old messages with reasonable requests for improvements.
Please don’t read anything into this action beyond that.
I’m not a good judge of the usefulness as I am not and have never been a professional designer.
My background is in Civil Engineering and that was a very long time ago indeed.

It’s going on the Wish list so the developer can make a decision about how difficult it would be and balance that with how many users would benefit.
Then they decide how to prioritize it and get it in the development queue.
At that time they will determine if it is visible to the public or not.
The report has a link back to this Discourse post, so anything you add here will eventually be seen by them when they dig into it.


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Thank you for the clarification about the priorities regarding user requests to improve the tools in Rhino.

The requests I propose are usually regarding things that will benefit those who aim to achieve greater surface quality or speed up the workflow. Most of these ideas come in mind during actual product design process.



That’s perfect and we really appreciate that.
We also look at the number of “Likes” and responses get.
That’s about all we have to gauge how useful an enhancement might be.
Your reports are generally quite good and easy to follow so they don’t require a lot of work on my part to capture them.
Please continue posting.
It helps the community of Rhino users.


Thank you for the kind words! I can only say superlatives to the whole McNeal team and its devotion to Rhino.

Hello - the green and red ‘stubs’ on the control point polygon indicate positive U and V directions from selected control points. I know they are not super evident always, but they are there. Note the colors follow CPlane X and Y so you can make them brighter if needed.


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I’m aware of that, but maybe if there were letters U and V, that would look easier to understand for most people. Also, I’m colour blind and some shades of green and red look exactly the same to my eyes, especially on a grey background. :smiley: This is why I changed the default red and green to slightly different shades, but I still see them nearly identical.

What about a selection tool called “Select every …nd point”, which by defaults selects every 2nd control point starting from the one(s) already selected? Its option in the command line should allow to change the parameter so that the user could select every 3rd, or every 4th, or every 5th, or every “whatever next number” control point (or rows of control points).

Hello - you can try this thing - I think it mostly works…

SelPointPattern.rhp (17 KB)

You’ll need to unblock the rhp file in Windows, then drag and drop it onto Rhino.



I have also asked a question about this.
I think it would be easier to click on the first point, and then double click on the next point jump and automatically select the chain following the given condition. It would be a way to avoid identifying U V directions
I think it’s great that they are again with this topic :rofl:


That’s a great and very intuitive idea that I would gladly use in future Rhino releases if it gets implemented. :slight_smile: Reminds me of what 3DS Max implemented several years ago.
Maybe it could work with holding down the Shift key after the first control point (or rows of control points) is being selected, so that the program knows that it must add the next point (or rows of control points) that’s selected, along will every next one based on the same selection pattern. Sorry if I can’t describe it properly, but my English is still poor. :slight_smile:


I just tried and this feature is still missing from Rhino 8.