Wish: Set children / Select children

In the Bongo toolbar, the icon “Select object’s children” is foreseen to set children instead of selecting them. I would appreciate to have both commands set (new children) and select (current children). Idem for parent and icons in the Bongo Object Properties.

Thanks - this is now on the list.

Can you not get this selection from the animation manager?

Yes, you can select current children (one by one) in the animation manager.
When you select several animated objects in the viewports, they are highlighted in the animation manager.
It would be interesting to be able to select several objects in the animation manager directly in the animation manager.
Then, a button “select current children” is no more needed.

Sorry, I had to add this screen capture in the message to not to have the message “Body is too similar …” when attempting to reply.

Yup - we saw that immediately when we started playing around with your ideas. The next SR of Bongo will have multiple selection in the animation manager.