WISH : Run video

Short videos are both fast to do and super efficient to make compact and useful tutorials.

It would be pretty nifty if we could have a button it the UI (created with Human UI) that pops-up the relevant video.
Since our video files are stored on Google Drive, I tried using the “Create Browser” component with the link to the file, but the result is wonky :

Found !
I just used the “Create Rhino Command Button” Human UI component, along with the “Run” command with the path to the video file.

It’s kind of trivial, but I’m leaving this post here in case it can help someone else.

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Are these for the benefit of a client?

They are for the benefit of Mr. Kite

Nah…, we do tools for in-house use.

I guess I’m not as up on my “Sgt. Pepper” as I should be.

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