Wish: plan/section views in Layout space (related to export DWG topic)

May I please ask you again about what your plans and ambitions are regarding this topic?
Which was: are you willing to fully support putting vaPlanView and vaSectionView directly on a layout? As a useful complement to realtime detail views, that is!
I hope I have convinced you why that this makes sense, with the above example.

As mentioned, it just seems like this is a quite low hanging fruit. Plan and section views can already be swapped over to the layout space using ChangeSpace. The plan view object even has a scale parameter already.

Here’s what’s missing (from a users perspective):

  • add a scale parameter to the section view, too
  • when using ChangeSpace to move plan or section views over, this scale parameter should update accordingly, so that the section/plan views appear immediately as they were in the detail
  • support also copy/paste from model to layout space for plan and section views (besides ChangeSpace)
  • allow vaUpdate also in layouts, so no such error message: image Updating works anyway already, by changing any parameter of the plan or sectionview!

Together with a new command to directly export the content of a layout to DWG

the workflow would be more or less complete.

To take this a step further: the best solution (for the user) would be to be able to fully ‘explode’ a Detail view into 2d layout space. Which, in fact, would be pretty similar to what vaPlanView/vaSectionView already do, but without the roundtrip into model space.

I fully understand your commitment to keep Detail views live. I’m for parametric workflows as far as possible, too, but there will always be cases where this just does not suffice for certain graphic styles or abstractions. You can add more and more tools to work on top of live views (if that is really that simple), but still at some point you might want or need to go 2D. This is bread and butter in the architectural design phase.

Thanks for reading!