Please allow Per Detail View Sun Settings.
Currently, there is no way to prepare a Layout showing objects during different times of the day.
I need to bump it.
Seriously, a Layout showing how the apartment will be lit during the day and seasons would be a great thing to have.
If this could be a little bit interactive or refreshed by some command this could be a very nice tool during the design stage - not only a presentation.
I know about Ladybug, Qubu, etc. I’m not talking about this type of analysis.
well honestly, since there are many architects working with Rhino, having more energy targeted at Rhinos sun would be indeed nice, including a more dynamic display maybe even animation and having fields connected to the sun maybe even having it work both ways that the sun gets adjusted through the field text would be immense.
i would not mind having an entire sun path rendered either, but yeah i agree, at least different views in details would be great.
here i made some test which i suggested in some other topic as a simple form of sun path study.
if texfields could update the sun and be saved as separate details that might be quite alright?