Wish: option to not extrude/bridge open edges of faces

See the image below: when extruding a face or group of faces that are not surrounded with a closed edge loop, I often want to extrude only the faces.

First step: subd plane
Step 2: extrude 4 faces --> boundary edges should extrude too
Step 3: extruding/bridging side faces: here I’d like the option to get either result A or B

Thanks for the request, I’ve read it a number of times but am not sure I understand. Can you show me what you start with, what you select, how you extrude, what you get as a result and then what you wanted instead?

hi @BrianJ I would use this when working on something that is more like 2 1/2 D for example a thickened logo where you start with an outline, then extrude the faces up, leaving the bottom open. Then when extruding the side faces, you basically only want the edges of the face that are connected with other faces to extrude.
what I get:
what I (optionally) want:

Got it thanks, filed as https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-57229

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